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Enjoying Life

A Morning on the lake

It's early, The sun has not peaked above the horizon yet. My friends and I are at at the boat dock get the boat ready for our early morning ski set. The air is still, cool and crisp. The sound of the air escapes from the tanks as the boat settles quietly into the water. The engine comes to life and we start off on our morning adventure. The boat driver clicks the boat in reverse, and a slow repeating whiny sound is heard while backing the boat out of the lift. The driver moves the throttle forward and we head down the lake to the main dock. We arrive at the main dock an begin our morning ritual of stretching and warming our muscles up. The darkness begins to fade and light begins to shimmer against the calm water. The outline of the shore becomes visible followed by the outline of ski buoys. The buoys start changing from a black outline to orange and yellow. This signals it is time to head for the end of the course. The boat come to life again as we head for the end of the course, The boat maneuvers into position at the end of the course. The ski vest is zipped up and my fingers slip into my gloves. The glove wrist straps are snuggled tight. I grab the ski and place it on the deck. Some soap is added to aid my feet into the binding. My feet slip securely into both bindings, and with rope in hand I plunge off into the warm water. The boat inches forward, as the rope comes tight the silence is filled with a shout of "Hit it", The boat roars forward and a wall of water departs from view to reveal a the boat lining up for entry into the slalom course. The guide buoy approaches the rear of the boat as I began my pull out for the slalom course run.

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon. How does one describe the experience of being on the Grand Canyon? I don't think words can begin to describe the feeling. However, lets just name a few adjectives to see if we can set the mood: peace, serenity, awe, exhilaration, beauty, grace, empowering, and less not forget an adrenalin rush. I was fortunate enough to be invited on an 18 day private trip down the Grand Canyon. The experience was incredible. The picture was taken while on the river. Our trip was in late September with the flow running at 38,000 cfs. I have put together a photo gallery of our trip so that others may share the views we enjoyed while on our trip.


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